These essential meeting terms will have you on the ball with organising English meetings in no time.
Let's look at a dialog to illustrate some meeting phrases before explaining the meaning afterwards.
Maria: We'd better call a meeting for Monday as last Friday's meeting was called off due to a delay in the deliverables.
Mark: The boss suggested holding it in the board of director's room as two members of the board will attend.
Maria: Perfect since Paula is chairing the meeting, she ought to send an invitation via email.
Mark: Let's try not to put off this meeting as we have some urgent issues to deal with.
Maria: Since your meeting has just been pushed back, would your team like to attend as well?
Mark: I'll ask them, they might be able to attend if they can push the'r other meeting back.
Maria: or if they could bring it forward to today that would make sense too.
Let's break it down!
Call a meeting - organise.
Call off a meeting- cancel.
Hold a meeting - conduct.
Chair a meeting - lead.
Attend a meeting- go to a meeting.
Put off a meeting- postpone.
Push back a meeting - postpone/delay.
Bring a meeting forward- have it sooner.
Now let's test yourself! (don't peep at the answers)
What was called off?
What did the boss suggest?
Who is chairing the meeting?
What did Maria ask Mark to do?
Now that you’ve learned some essential meeting phrases, the only thing left is to incorporate it into your daily business English use today.
Write some examples in the notes below to start off your practice, I'll check them after.
Answer Key:
Last Friday's meeting was called off.
The boss suggested holding the meeting in the board of director's room.
Paula is chairing the meeting.
If he could ask his team to bring the meeting forward to today.