Once and for all, let's really assimilate the corrected version of these common mistakes in order to make your English level stand out.
They recommended that we listen the instructions ❌
They recommended that we listen to the instructions (listen to) ✅
She suggested attending to the meeting ❌
She suggested attending the meeting (Attend + a place) ✅
Let's grab a coffee and discuss about the losses ❌
Let's grab a coffee and discuss the losses (Discuss + something) ✅
Could you please hold the line? I'll ask to the HR department ❌
Could you please hold the line? I'll ask the HR department (ask + someone/something) ✅
I forgot to confirm you the date of the meeting ❌
I forgot to confirm the date of the meeting to you (confirm something to someone) ✅
Would you mind explaining me what the report is based on? ❌
Would you mind explaining to me what the report is based on? (explain to someone) ✅
Could you please send to me the check in the post? ❌
Could you please send the check to me in the post? ✅
(send something to someone/ send someone something)
He really should to check the figures before sending them ❌
He really should check the figures before sending them (should + verb without to) ✅
Before to leave the office, I had made sure the windows were closed ❌
Before leaving the office, I had made sure the windows were closed ✅
(before + verb + ing)
We will can let everyone in the office know about the change ❌
We will be able to let everyone in the office know about the change ✅
(will + able to)